HOLY WEEK | Palm Sunday


“Palm Sunday is deceptive. It doesn’t have the austere of Good Friday with the stripped altars. Palm Sunday is a party! …But Good Friday is still coming, and you can smell it.”

Join Fr. Brendan Kilcoyne for this year’s PALM SUNDAY homily where he discusses Holy Week’s opening scene of Jesus Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

“There’s something broken in us… There’s something wrong with us. Judas was with Christ the whole time and he still betrays Him.”

Mass Readings for Palm Sunday of The Lord’s Passion, Year C:

First Reading: Isaiah 50:4-7: The Lord’s Servant will stand firm, even when persecuted.

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 22:8-9,17-20,23-24: A cry for help to the Lord in the face of evildoers.

Second Reading: Philippians 2:6-11: Christ was obedient even to death, but God has exalted him.

Gospel: Luke 22:14—23:56: From the cross, Jesus speaks words of forgiveness and promises that the good thief will be with him in paradise.

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